BVC Training Calendar
For anyone wishing a 360 degree change in their personalities. Learn how to become the inspiring, powerful person you always wanted to be! Develop a successful attitude and network better! Become the magnetic personality who truly makes a difference! The model parent, the successful employee, the go-getter entrepreneur, a social and likeable person….Whoever you are…We help you polish and refine your inner persona to make a positive difference in your life!

In an intensely competitive world where `Information = Power and people are easily distracted, it is very important to make the best first impression. This is possible only by acquiring soft skills which lead to overall personality development. Our programs help you to acquire these all-important soft skills.

According to data from Google, Indians, on a per capita basis, search for “finishing school,” “communication skill” and “English training” more than any other citizenry. However, only a small percentage of those people are capable and have the requisite soft skills to succeed. Due to lack of soft skills:

  • Valuable opportunities to display managerial and leadership qualities are lost
  • Negative emotions create stress and alienation, leading to a dull personality
At First Personality, we wish to create a vast pool of students, professionals and other persons equipped with the soft skills to face the challenges of a globalized economy. These soft skills so acquired will aim to create individuals with multi-dimensional personalities, who will acquire tools to better their lives and their professional careers. Our aim is that any person wishing to develop their life skills should have access to our personality development programs at a very reasonable cost and within a reasonable travelling radius.

Our specially designed programs are based on the Learning-Internalization-Feedback-Evaluation (LIFE) Model conceptualized by us.